Whether you purchased a Japanese knife from us, or not, we're happy to sharpen your knife with whetstones.


Knife Sharpening Fees 

Sharpening edge (include fixing small chips under 1mm)
- $1 per cm (Ex: $18 for a 18cm knife blade length)
Extra Fees
- Restoring knives (thinning, fixing chips over 2mm & tip)  $5 - $20 ea
- Japanese single edged knives (ex: Sashimi, Deba knife & other) $8 - $15
- Straightening & Rust removal $5 - $10 ea

*Prices may change depending on the condition & type of the knives
*Kitchen knives only, no serrated edges
*Service only at Sydney CBD, Sydney North Shore and Northern Beaches.  Travel fee may be charged

If you would like to book or enquire more about our knife sharpening service,
Please contact us at
email : or DM on Instagram or Facebook